One of Nonconnah's core practices is our pursuit of collaboration with outside parties,
from within experimental music circles and far beyond them. We've been profoundly fortunate to have worked with innovators from projects like Deerhoof, Swans, No Age, Sannhet, Earth, Reigning Sound, Half Japanese, White Lung, Come, Bell Witch, Broken Social Scene, Final Fantasy, Black Tambourine, Fire-Toolz, The Ladybug Transistor, Califone, Modest Mouse, Eric's Trip, Wolf Parade, Band Of Susans, The Family Ghost, Sunn O))), Ponytail, United Bible Studies, Archers Of Loaf, Shalabi Effect, A Silver Mt. Zion, O'Death, Cinemechanica, Volcano Choir, Gleemer, Blvck Hippie,
Pere Ubu, Cloudland Canyon, Pacific UV, Vetiver, The Stargazer Lilies, Stereolab, Bloody Knives, Panther Burns, All Natural Lemon & Lime Flavors, Parlor Walls, Soul Coughing, Argiflex, Wooden
Wand, Lightfoils, SAVAK, Blanket Swimming, Sunlight Ascending, The Everymen, Ihcilon, Dead Soldiers, Dark Meat, Three Mile Pilot, Jack The Giant Killer, Revenge Body, Towering Flesh, Dinosauria, Skywave, Burial Cake, Cinchel, Laudanum Quilt, Leaaves, J. Robot, Jenn Taiga, Astrobrite, Aster, Kwaidan, Afterbirth, The Love Language, Joules, Lazy Legs, Animalweapon,
Mystic Light Casino, Pie Are Squared, LUNG, Twilight, Keenan Lawler, Proud/Father, Fuck, The
Ellie Badge, Owl's Head Mountain, Buddhist Pill, Suroor, Wet Hair, Winterwood, Parts & Labor, Riggings, Onewayness, A Different Thread, Kurva Choir, Cistern, S P A C E R, The Crew Of The Half
Moon, MMOSS, A Season, Dead Man’s Tuning, Wrong Body, Colamo, Paradoxal Pterodactyl, Make Believe
Bombs, Bitter Inc, Caught In The Wake Forever, GioSafari, The Smokin’ Jays, Sleep Chrysalis, It Only
Gets Worse, Subversive Intentions, Phoenix Auto Group, Aural Cavalcade, Ben Ricketts, Disco Volante, Benoit Pioulard, Without Mirrors, Sener, & more. Please reach out if interested in pitching in.
A full list of collaborators can be viewed by following this link.